80% Trinidad by Läderach

Swiss chocolate, which we have already tried a lot, so I had no big expectations. In addition, there are only 64 grams. But, as it sometimes »
Swiss chocolate, which we have already tried a lot, so I had no big expectations. In addition, there are only 64 grams. But, as it sometimes »
I bought this 80% chocolate bar from Mr. Tofu in Playa Del Carmen. Funny enough, this store had a lot of vegan stuff like vegan sausages, »
This is another bar of the batch Charly's parents brought from Belgium at the end of last year (Thanks a lot!). The bar looks very similar »
The last bar from the European batch of year 2019. I bought it, I remember this clearly, for 2 euros in a Parisian grocery. Such an »
Souvenir chocolate from the picturesque Dutch village of Zaanse Sсhans. Souvenir, because it is named exactly Zaanse Chocolade. It was bought at the local chocolate shop »
This is our second acquaintance with Madécasse, and, frankly, my opinion has not changed. Sour and bitter. Of course it's edible, but I'm not sure that's »
For some reason, it seemed to me that this is my third bar from Coppeneur, but it turned out that it's only the second. And I »
I purchased this little bar in Amsterdam's Chocolatl. There were several different bars from Cacao Betulia. And all of them were 80% and the only difference »