70% Cuba by London Chocolate

Here’s another small bar from London Chocolate — the fourth one so far, and I still have three more left, not counting this one. Today, it’ »
Here’s another small bar from London Chocolate — the fourth one so far, and I still have three more left, not counting this one. Today, it’ »
When I was buying various chocolates at the London Chocolate store, I got everything available except for the Madagascar bar, as they didn’t have it »
This small bar from Chocolate Tree, along with two others, was picked up at a chocolate shop in the covered market in Oxford. We've had this »
The last of the Original Beans bars I managed to get on this European trip. According to the manufacturer, this cacao is exceptionally rare. The inside »
This is the second bar from Willie's Cacao in my collection, and I bought it at a small confectionery shop in York. It’s a British »
This is a new bar from Duffy's that I had the chance to buy in England along with the already familiar and delicious Honduras and Philippines »
I really like the outer packaging of this bar — it's bright, a sturdy envelope, and looks great. But the inner packaging clearly needs improvement — it's just »
It’s almost a tradition now — giving chocolate from Michel Cluizel another chance every few years. I’ve given it quite a few chances already; sometimes »