85% Porcelana Venezuela by Chocolate Tree

This is the second bar from Scottish Chocolate Tree that I picked up in Oxford. The bar is tiny, but the packaging doesn’t suggest otherwise »
This is the second bar from Scottish Chocolate Tree that I picked up in Oxford. The bar is tiny, but the packaging doesn’t suggest otherwise »
This Domori bar was purchased at the Xocolat store in Vienna. My previous experience with Domori wasn’t exactly spectacular, though to be fair, I probably »
This small bar from Chocolate Tree, along with two others, was picked up at a chocolate shop in the covered market in Oxford. We've had this »
I usually don’t like chocolate with berries, although raspberry, in my opinion, pairs well with chocolate. We’ve tried plenty of chocolate with raspberry, but »
I bought this Coppeneur bar at the Viennese Xocolat store. We've tried a few of their bars before, and overall, they represent good-quality German chocolate. However, »
I first tried this bar at the Zotter chocolate factory in one of the last rooms where you can sample almost any product. There was this »
The last of the bars from Solstice that I ordered from their website. This one is Ecuador in a rich dark yellow color. As always, a »
The second-to-last bar from Solstice, this time from India. As always, a cool, sturdy envelope, and the bar looks quite light. A pleasant chocolatey aroma reminds »