71% Original Happiness Costa Rica by Albert Heijn

Not my favorite of Original Happiness chocolate (so far it's 80% Uganda). This one gets humble 3 stars. Sweet and short :) Не сама моя улюблена плитка »
Not my favorite of Original Happiness chocolate (so far it's 80% Uganda). This one gets humble 3 stars. Sweet and short :) Не сама моя улюблена плитка »
This is another bar of the batch Charly's parents brought from Belgium at the end of last year (Thanks a lot!). The bar looks very similar »
I try not to buy overtly cheap mass production chocolate and Auchan bars look exactly like it. But I remember that I have 74% Auchan bar »
Souvenir chocolate from the picturesque Dutch village of Zaanse Sсhans. Souvenir, because it is named exactly Zaanse Chocolade. It was bought at the local chocolate shop »
Dutch chocolate from last year. Actually, this is one of the last bars of the European batch of 2018, but it is well preserved thanks to »
I bought this bar in Paris at a grocery store and I bought it for a simple reason - it cost less than 2 euros :) And »
Another supermarket chocolate bar, made somewhere in the European Union, where it is not indicated, but for the Netherlands. Not so much information, but thanks for »
This is another of the, already few left, bars bought in Copenhagen. I could hardly figure out whose chocolate it was, but after a few minutes »