72% Chocolate Negro by Churreria Chocolateria

A bar of chocolate in a beautiful black package from Madrid. When I opened the packaging and saw that foil plastic bag, I seemed to have »
A bar of chocolate in a beautiful black package from Madrid. When I opened the packaging and saw that foil plastic bag, I seemed to have »
This is the second and last bar of Portuguese chocolate from Feitoriado Cacao that we brought from Portugal. The packaging is also made in the style »
We will rejoice again today and after the Austrian 3 stars bar we will open another one, still Austrian, but more reliable :) Congo, it would seem »
How many times I've said that today we eat the last bar from the Austrian 2018 batch, but it seems that every time I fooled everyone, »
Today we have local chocolate - Brooklyn Born Chocolate. I usually try to avoid expensive American chocolate, although there are some very good things like Dick »
We bought this bar in Amsterdam, in Albert Heijn supermarket. Not bad, but unpretentious packaging, fairly simple and bluff chocolate. Good three stars, almost four. For »
Unsatisfied with today's bar from Aruntam, as well as with yesterday's nut candy from Zotter, I decided to please myself in a more proven way, namely »
Italian chocolate from Ecuadorian beans. In my head, Ecuadorian beans are associated with something mediocre, very astringent, bitter, earthy, and mudlike. I was a little surprised »