75% Mababu Tanzania by Rózsavölgyi Csokoládé

The second bar from Hungarian manufacturer Rózsavölgyi Csokoládé. Pretty colorful packaging on top and simple wrapping paper inside. Oddly enough, the paper handled better than some »
The second bar from Hungarian manufacturer Rózsavölgyi Csokoládé. Pretty colorful packaging on top and simple wrapping paper inside. Oddly enough, the paper handled better than some »
Here it is, the last bar from Cacao Sampaka. What I like most about Cacao Sampaka’s chocolate, excluding the La Joya bar, is stylish carton »
A bar of chocolate in a beautiful black package from Madrid. When I opened the packaging and saw that foil plastic bag, I seemed to have »
This is the second and last bar of Portuguese chocolate from Feitoriado Cacao that we brought from Portugal. The packaging is also made in the style »
We will rejoice again today and after the Austrian 3 stars bar we will open another one, still Austrian, but more reliable :) Congo, it would seem »
How many times I've said that today we eat the last bar from the Austrian 2018 batch, but it seems that every time I fooled everyone, »
Today we have local chocolate - Brooklyn Born Chocolate. I usually try to avoid expensive American chocolate, although there are some very good things like Dick »
We bought this bar in Amsterdam, in Albert Heijn supermarket. Not bad, but unpretentious packaging, fairly simple and bluff chocolate. Good three stars, almost four. For »