70% Hawaii Dark Chocolate by Manoa Chocolate

It seems to me that I brought this American chocolate bar from Europe. Which is of course a bit strange, but this has already happened more »
It seems to me that I brought this American chocolate bar from Europe. Which is of course a bit strange, but this has already happened more »
To be honest, I was expecting a little more from this bar, probably because of the last Galler bar. Here it was lacking cocoa, although with »
French chocolate brought from Paris in 2019. I don't remember exactly where I bought it, most likely in the Galleries Lafayette. Nice and solid packaging and »
This is one of the rare Zotter bars that cannot be bought in the American store. These two exact bars were delivered to me by a »
This is the last Tanzanian chocolate bar from the summer batch of 2019 that we haven't tried yet. Before that, I opened other Tanzanian bars, precisely »
Second in a row Tanzanian chocolate bar, this time it's 72% of cocoa and made by Dutch masters Mesjokke. I deliberately opened it right after Zotter's »
Tanzanian chocolate in the version of the Austrian maestro Zotter. Cheerful yellow packaging, inside everything is as usual (read good). The smell of chocolate is interesting, »
Another delicious but very sweet candy from Zotter. The taste of these candies is of course different, but not much. They are very sweet and I »