75% Peru Marañón by Ritual Chocolate

This is not my first time trying Ritual chocolate, but last time I got it for Christmas (thanks again Yang!) and this time I bought two »
This is not my first time trying Ritual chocolate, but last time I got it for Christmas (thanks again Yang!) and this time I bought two »
This is not our first bar by Qantu. The last one left very good memories. But unfortunately, this bar did not hold the level. Figs, dates »
The chocolate I bought at a local grocery store, which is usually not very cheap, and this bar of 70 grams cost me 6 dollars, which »
Not bad, but very sweet. I don't know why I ordered a bar with such a low cocoa content :( I guess when I see 68% I »
This small bar, it's only 50 grams, we bought it in a small town in the state of New York. The store also has all sorts »
Today we open a bunch of "passports" from Trader Joe's. The idea is very similar to the pyramids made by Pralus. A stack of »
This is another, penultimate, bar brought from Belgium late last year (Thank you Charly!). This is a fairly low percentage of cocoa content, as for me »
The third bar from my Secret Santa (Thanks Yang!) Peruvian Lakuna from Cacaosuyo. There are only 70% of cocoa, but the packaging is very rich - »