85% Dark Chocolate by Galler

A bar of 85% Belgian chocolate produced by Galler, manufacturer that I have in the good books, although I only ate one of its bars before, »
A bar of 85% Belgian chocolate produced by Galler, manufacturer that I have in the good books, although I only ate one of its bars before, »
This bar I've got as a present from Roma (Thanks Roma!). I probably would not have dared to buy such chocolate myself, as it has chili »
Dutch chocolate from Vietnamese beans, bronze medalist at international chocolate awards in Europe. Vietnamese beans are not very frequent guests, but we are already familiar with »
I think this is the last Croatian chocolate bar from those that we bought in the summer in Split airport and it's with "Rogač" »
Let's rest a bit from European chocolate and try a bar bought in US. Although I hurried a bit talking about European chocolate, as this particular »
Swiss chocolate, purchased, I suspect, at Zurich airport. It looks like Swiss chocolate, but I have no big hopes for it. I realized a long time »
And again, our guest is Zotter, a bar from Belize, but not the one which is my favorite, but another one. It contains 10% more cocoa »
I bought this bar at the airport of Split, and this is really Croatian chocolate. At that moment I already knew that Croats are really nice »