80% Vietnam by Frederic Blondeel

A tiny bar of Belgian chocolate from Brussels. Beans, by the way, are Vietnamese. It looks minimalistic and, in my opinion, very stylish. Fairly light chocolate »
A tiny bar of Belgian chocolate from Brussels. Beans, by the way, are Vietnamese. It looks minimalistic and, in my opinion, very stylish. Fairly light chocolate »
Belgian chocolate bought in Brussels this fall. The bar looks cheap and there is not even any inner packaging. The bar was just lying in a »
A very classic vanilla chocolate. From Brussels itself. Vanilla, I can smell it 5 meters away. The smell is sweet-vanilla. I was expecting three and at »
A colleague brought me this bar from Belgium (thanks Charly!). Judging by the logo Lidl, J.D. Gross belongs to them. So, this is most likely »
Another bar from Trader Joe's. There is only 72% cocoa in it, but I couldn't pass by the price tag that shows less than $2 :) And »
I bought this Belgian chocolate bar at WineTime store in Lutsk. I carefully put it in a thermal bag and brought it to US. And then, »
To be honest, I was expecting a little more from this bar, probably because of the last Galler bar. Here it was lacking cocoa, although with »
I purchased this little bar in Amsterdam's Chocolatl. There were several different bars from Cacao Betulia. And all of them were 80% and the only difference »