85% Brown Rice Quinoa Crunch by Theo

To break up the series of Solstice bars that I’ve been opening one by one (and I still have three? left), I decided to try »
To break up the series of Solstice bars that I’ve been opening one by one (and I still have three? left), I decided to try »
I bought this chocolate at the local Whole Foods Market. When it first appeared on the store shelves, I was a bit surprised by the $2 »
We've tried several different chocolates from Theo (could it be short for Theodore? Maybe or maybe not :)). Not too long ago, we re-evaluated their 85% bar, »
As it turns out, this bar isn’t on my site yet, even though it's far from the first time I've bought it. How that happened, »
It's been a while since we've had any new chocolate, so today we're opening Uganda with hazelnut from Beyond Good. I suspect that Beyond Good is »
A small bar of chocolate made from the whole cacao fruit, meaning it contains cacao beans, cacao husks, cacao fruit sugar, and additionally hazelnut and hazelnut »
Canadian chocolate with coconut sugar made in Switzerland (don't ask me what that means, it probably means it's just packaged in Canada), 80% cocoa, which is »
The chocolate I bought at a local grocery store, which is usually not very cheap, and this bar of 70 grams cost me 6 dollars, which »