71% Original Happiness Costa Rica by Albert Heijn

Not my favorite of Original Happiness chocolate (so far it's 80% Uganda). This one gets humble 3 stars. Sweet and short :) Не сама моя улюблена плитка »
Not my favorite of Original Happiness chocolate (so far it's 80% Uganda). This one gets humble 3 stars. Sweet and short :) Не сама моя улюблена плитка »
Another bar by Cocoatl, a local Mexican manufacturer. The previous two bars didn't really impress me, so I didn't expect anything interesting. And this time I »
The last bar from the set sent to me by Secret Santa last December (Thanks Yang!). The bar on the outside looks expensive. Heavy embossed paper. »
This almost "bar", there is only 40 grams in it, which costs almost $4, I bought in a small beautiful store Wo'Market. It is »
This is another, penultimate, bar brought from Belgium late last year (Thank you Charly!). This is a fairly low percentage of cocoa content, as for me »
And here is the second bar from Cocoatl. There is only 72% of cocoa here, but we also got coffee beans. Or rather not beans, but »
I bought this Mexican chocolate bar from DAC Verduras y Frutas, the one in Playa del Carmen. They also have other bars from the same manufacturer »
And this is another reincarnation of already familiar 72% AhCacao chocolate, but this time with pumpkin seeds, which here are called pepitas. By the way, these »