86% Vanini Dark Chocolate

The second 86% bar in my collection. Not often manufacturers choose such a percentage of the cocoa products content. Italy, which directly reads in the title. »
The second 86% bar in my collection. Not often manufacturers choose such a percentage of the cocoa products content. Italy, which directly reads in the title. »
I bought this bar in WholeFoods Market together with Costa Rican bar. They look very similar on the surface - the packaging and the bar itself. »
I bought this bar in WholeFoods, as seen from their logo on the package, for $3. This is Belgian chocolate, most likely, produced specifically for the »
Finally I found a good chocolate on Barbados! And the chocolate is, surprise-surprise, Belgian. Standard 100 gram bar in classic packaging - carton and foil. A »
The second bar bought in Barbados. This time, made in France for the UK based Waitrose company. Humble packaging design, but with a nice contrast of »