80% Nudie by Zazubean

Canadian chocolate with coconut sugar made in Switzerland (don't ask me what that means, it probably means it's just packaged in Canada), 80% cocoa, which is »
Canadian chocolate with coconut sugar made in Switzerland (don't ask me what that means, it probably means it's just packaged in Canada), 80% cocoa, which is »
We bought this Venchi bar at Milan airport before our flight. I've been very skeptical of Venchi lately because it seemed to me that the price »
This is the second Georgia Ramon bar in my collection, and the first one didn't impress me much. So I was in doubt whether to buy »
The second and the last one bar of a Canadian manufacturer that I bought in Vancouver in such a strange area where there are a lot »
We purchased this bar, along with several others, at WholeFoods Market in Salt Lake City. And it was this bar that caused me the most doubts, »
So far we are still in Canada and everything is on the fly, so very brief. The chocolate looks very good, but the taste is only »
This is the second bar from a small batch of chocolate from Dandelion Chocolate that I bought myself for my birthday. There was a small problem »
An interesting story happened with this chocolate. I wanted to treat myself to something delicious on one occasion, but it didn't quite turn out as expected »