82% Bourbon Cask Aged by Raaka

I recently bought this Raaka bar on sale at Whole Foods Market. It's been a while since I had Raaka; the last time was about 6-7 »
I recently bought this Raaka bar on sale at Whole Foods Market. It's been a while since I had Raaka; the last time was about 6-7 »
This is the new chocolate from Zotter. Although, it seemed to me a slightly improved version of my favorite Belize Special bar. And the improvement here »
Big block of 82% Uganda origin dark chocolate. At least they say it's from Uganda. But I don't have any reason not to believe it. It's »
A bar of French chocolate with 82% of cocoa. The bar looks very similar to recently devoured Carrefour, but the packaging design is slightly better. Alas »
And again, our guest is Zotter, a bar from Belize, but not the one which is my favorite, but another one. It contains 10% more cocoa »
The second bar from Zotter, this time 82%. Interesting aroma, something flowerish, but not sharp. Packaging and design is 6 out of 5, like in Belize »
One more break in my long Irish chocolates series. This's a recently purchased bar of Scharffen Berger with 82% of cocoa. I bought it in a »