74% Organic Bitter Chocolate by Carrefour

We bought this bar of dark chocolate in Barcelona in a supermarket of the same name, like we had with Auchan bar bought in Auchan :) If »
We bought this bar of dark chocolate in Barcelona in a supermarket of the same name, like we had with Auchan bar bought in Auchan :) If »
I bought this Venchi bar in Dnipro in one of LeSilpo, these are Ukrainian gourmet shops, in which there are a lot of imported goods. Since »
Our previous bar contained 80% of cocoa, but the rates are still growing and today we got 90% of cocoa. And this is another Spanish bar. »
Spanish chocolate with 80% of cocoa. When we got to the Francisco Bresco store, I didn’t have any particular hopes, as there were a lot »
The last Ligth Roast chocolate from Cacao Sampaka from my summer party 2018. Very beautiful and good-quality packaging, I repeat once again - if plastic, then »
German chocolate is here and I've got two bars of it. I bought the first bar myself somewhere in Europe, of course I don't remember exactly »
Spanish Lacasa chocolate. Unfortunately, as you can see on the photos, its packaging suffered from condensation in my wine cooler. As soon as we arrived home »
A bar of German chocolate with 85% of cocoa. A man named Roma brought it to me las Fall from Berlin(Roma, thank you very much! »