75% Trinidad by François Pralus

This bar, as well as many others, was brought to us from Paris by our grandma Lyuda (Thanks!). Trinidad escaped meeting me when we scooped out »
This bar, as well as many others, was brought to us from Paris by our grandma Lyuda (Thanks!). Trinidad escaped meeting me when we scooped out »
The penultimate bar from my European party. I think it's high time for them. Tanzanian beans and french skill. As a result? It could be better. »
The second 86% bar in my collection. Not often manufacturers choose such a percentage of the cocoa products content. Italy, which directly reads in the title. »
Belgian chocolate, bought in Le District about a month ago along with the "rooster" bar and another bar, the time of which is yet »
The second Luxembourgish bar in my collection. It does look pretty decent. Plastic rigid box with a lid. Probably not very good for storage, but quite »
German chocolate, bought in Denmark. The smell and taste are pretty sharp, but it's quite edible, if you eat it little by little. 3 stars. That's »
One of the last (or last) Italian chocolate bars brought back a few months ago from Europe. Such a compact bar, but a full weight - »
This American chocolate usually costs 6-8 dollars. I bought it for $5 at local Wholefoods Market. Outside, the package looks pathetic - gold lettering. Inside, there »