80% Pure Dark Chocolate by Madécasse

This is our second acquaintance with Madécasse, and, frankly, my opinion has not changed. Sour and bitter. Of course it's edible, but I'm not sure that's »
This is our second acquaintance with Madécasse, and, frankly, my opinion has not changed. Sour and bitter. Of course it's edible, but I'm not sure that's »
This German bar I've also got as a present (thanks, Romko!). I'm not a fan of chili peppers and other hot things, so I almost never »
Another of the Sarotti bars which is German chocolate with an Italian name. It came to me from Berlin if my memory serves me right. This »
Polish chocolate I received as a gift. Honestly, it looks dodgy - plastic which is obviously coiled directly on the chocolate. The ingredients list did impress »
Another failed experiment with Lindt. This is the fourth bar from the Excellence series and here I am forced to rate it as 2 stars, although »
French chocolate bought at the infamous store on the lower floor of the Galleries Lafayette in Paris. Infamous, because most of the bars purchased there are »
A bar of chocolate in a beautiful black package from Madrid. When I opened the packaging and saw that foil plastic bag, I seemed to have »
Vietnamese cocoa, without vanilla and lecithin. Very high-quality packaging, but not very pleasant taste of burnt cocoa. The promised on the packaging citruses may very well »