70% Infusion Dark Chocolate with Cranberries by Zotter

I usually don’t like chocolate with berries, although raspberry, in my opinion, pairs well with chocolate. We’ve tried plenty of chocolate with raspberry, but »
I usually don’t like chocolate with berries, although raspberry, in my opinion, pairs well with chocolate. We’ve tried plenty of chocolate with raspberry, but »
After enjoying the very tasty hand-scooped bar with marzipan and coconut and already having the rum mousse among my favorites, I hoped this would be something »
I've long decided that, within Zotter's hand-scooped series, the Boozy chocolate mousse bar with rum is my favorite, and it’s currently the only bar I've »
We've tried several different chocolates from Theo (could it be short for Theodore? Maybe or maybe not :)). Not too long ago, we re-evaluated their 85% bar, »
I bought this bar made by Mariupol chocolate masters in Kiev. If my memory serves me right, that was in Hum-Hum bistro. I did not see »
I bought this British chocolate bar in Ukraine, although these are also sold in US. But here, for some reason, they cost 2-3 times more than »
I recently bought this American chocolate bar from a local grocery store. Previously, when my wine cooler was full of chocolate, and I was always saying »
This is a fresh bar of chocolate with filling from Zotter. And it is fresh because it arrived just yesterday. The filling here is hemp seeds, »