90% Toscano Black by Amedei

This is not our first acquaintance with Amedei, and although it seems to me that the price of this chocolate is sometimes very high, it is »
This is not our first acquaintance with Amedei, and although it seems to me that the price of this chocolate is sometimes very high, it is »
This bar, like the previous Amedei bars, I purchased in the same Cocoa Store. I went to buy another Venezuela bar and saw that they had »
Another Amedei bar - Venezuela, I also bought it in the Cocoa Store on sale. There are about three weeks left of the bar's shelf life, »
We are familiar with Amedei for a long time. And, in general, I always had only pleasant positive impressions from this chocolate. I recently walked past »
More than a year ago, another Amedei bar left its mark in my chocolate heart. I remember that bar by packaging, small size and interesting taste. »
This morning started with an Italian chocolate that has been brought from Ireland. Toscano Black, 70% cocoa. This is one of, I think, 6 bars that »