70% Rio Claro by Solstice

Recently, I ordered a small batch of Solstice chocolate - the same one we tasted in Las Vegas last summer - and among their standard set »
Recently, I ordered a small batch of Solstice chocolate - the same one we tasted in Las Vegas last summer - and among their standard set »
Swiss chocolate, which we have already tried a lot, so I had no big expectations. In addition, there are only 64 grams. But, as it sometimes »
This is the second bar from my Secret Santa gift (Thanks Yang!). I have seen this chocolate, or rather different bars from Ritual Chocolate, several times »
You can't find this chocolate in Pralus brand store, at least I haven't seen it there and it isn't on their site either. But earlier I've »
Our second bar by Jean-Paul Hévin from Paris. This time it is Trinidad. And here it seemed to me that Trinidad has this taste of a »
This bar, like the previous Amedei bars, I purchased in the same Cocoa Store. I went to buy another Venezuela bar and saw that they had »
This bar, as well as many others, was brought to us from Paris by our grandma Lyuda (Thanks!). Trinidad escaped meeting me when we scooped out »