70% Ecuador Santo Domingo by Bullion Chocolate Makers

This bar is one of the few I got to purchase in York, not New York, but the York in eastern England. There wasn’t a »
This bar is one of the few I got to purchase in York, not New York, but the York in eastern England. There wasn’t a »
The last of the bars from Solstice that I ordered from their website. This one is Ecuador in a rich dark yellow color. As always, a »
The second-to-last bar from Solstice, this time from India. As always, a cool, sturdy envelope, and the bar looks quite light. A pleasant chocolatey aroma reminds »
Another bar from Solstice, today it's Madagascar. It so happened that the first Madagascar bars I tried, most of them, were quite acidic, maybe too much »
Here we have the third bar from the Solstice batch I ordered from their website. This one is Đák Nông from Vietnam. The packaging is as »
My wife brought this chocolate bar from one of the farmers' markets. It has 72% cacao from Ghana and, surprise-surprise, an extract of mushrooms, specifically Lion's »
This is the second bar from the batch of Solstice chocolates I recently ordered from their official website. I really like these solid-colored envelopes that hold »
This is the last bar from Dick Taylor in my recent order. It's a 72% Madagascar chocolate with black figs. As far as I understand, the »