70% Dardenne Dark Chocolate

We bought this bar in Paris in the galleries of Lafayette, on the lower floor. The bar looks good, at least from the outside. Inside, it »
We bought this bar in Paris in the galleries of Lafayette, on the lower floor. The bar looks good, at least from the outside. Inside, it »
This is the second bar brought from Sweden. At first I thought it was the same chocolate that we ate a couple of days ago, as »
So the turn came to Cuban chocolate from Jean-Paul Hévin. When I bought the first sample Colombia bar, the saleswoman, smiling sweetly, suggested I try Cuba. »
Our first Swedish chocolate bought in Sweden. It is produced at a local chocolate factory, which, apparently, is located in the city of Malmö. Chocolate is »
Another bar from Henri Le Roux, this time it is an 80% blend of different cocoa varieties from different countries. This bar belongs to the Signature »
It turned out that I have two bars of Venezuelan chocolate from Jean-Paul Hévin, but one of them has 70% of cocoa, and the second one »
Another Labooko bar from Zotter. Dominican Republic with 62% of cocoa. Purchased at Kyiv Good Wine. As expected it was quite sweet, but also quite tasty. »
We continue to get acquainted with Jean-Paul Hévin and his palette of cocoa bars from different countries. All the same 74 percent, but this time from »